Friday, December 17, 2010

My mom and I baked 165 cookies the other day and we've almost finished them all too!! It was exhausting but the cookies were so good! When we first started making the biscuits we most definitely didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. We don't have an electric beater so we had to do all the mixing with a weird little tool that looks like a squashed spoon! Once we finished mixing everything together we had to wrap the dough around a mini Rollo (yes that took a really long time!!) . Surprisingly we only had two trays full of raw dough-covered-Rollos but they're so small that we could fit 80 biscuits in one tray, although we squished a little more than that into the second tray. I really enjoy baking but it does get tiring except if you have good music too listen too :) . I hope you didn't find this post too boring(: .


  1. Holy cow! 165 cookies??!! I want some!!! ;-)

  2. Sorry they are no longer in the Land of the living Cookies!!
