Saturday, June 18, 2011

Micro Expressions

A Micro Expressions " a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans according to emotions experienced. They usually occur in high-stakes situations, where people have something to lose or gain. Unlike regular facial expressions, it is difficult to fake microexpressions. Microexpressions express the seven universal emotions: disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, surprise, and contempt. However in the 1990s Paul Ekman expanded this list of basic emotions, including a range of positive and negative emotions not all of which are encoded in facial muscles. These emotions are amusement, contempt, embarrassment, excitement, guilt, pride, relief, satisfaction, pleasure, and shame.They are very brief in duration, lasting only 1/25 to 1/15 of a second". - Wikipedia

I didn't know how to explain it so I enlisted the help of Wikipedia. You also have gestures that can be a sign that you are lying and the pitch of your voice also gives away your emotions.

Cool, huh?


  1. Very interesting! I could definitely see you doing this! :) Can one get a degree or something in it from a university?

  2. Lol thanks! I don't know but I'm thinking of emailing a university and finding out or something like that.

  3. It was so interesting! I was at a speed reading course today and they spoke about this micro-expressions thing, and I was like, "Hheeyyy! I know this stuff!" :-)

  4. I have NEVER heard of speed reading courses! I have read about speed reading though. Is it some type of special South African homeschool thing? What university are you going to e-mail Maxine? Try:
    (these universitys are all conveiniently fairly close to where we live...and if you were to go to one of these universities, you would be quite close to us! I hope to go to McMaster, and Brock :)

  5. No way! Try:
    ... South Africa's your homeland, baby! You can't ignore that ;) Come study with me dahling!
    And HJ - no, it isn't a South African homeschooling thing. The guy's actually American. You can google him if you want - Dr. John Demartini.

  6. Hahaha!! I will email one University from both countries:). I don't know where I'm studying but it will go be the one I can afford to go to without a loan.

  7. Oh and thanks for all the comments!!

  8. ive done some research on it to, if you read further on wiki ul read about the wizards project,
    and that they screened 20,00 people and only 50 were considered to be efficient in this. they were given the title truth wizards. if you click on wizards project you can read more.

    1. Thanks! I'll check it out. It's amazing that only a few people are able to see micro expressions with the naked eye! The rest of us are either unobservant or they have a gift. Maybe a little of both.

  9. Hi

    I've followed a training / Iam practicioner / on Micro Expressions lately, and I thought to share this with you.

    Micro Expressions are very short muscle movements on the face, that are reliable signs of what somebody really feels. Briefly: you can see what somebody feels, just by looking at their face.

    You can have fun trying a free test here:

    You can train to be able to read that....

    Dusan Microexpression Practicioner
